Monday 30 November 2015

Steps to follow when enrolling your child in the best kids play school in India

From the time your child is born, you are apprehensive about every decision you make in relation to his life. You worry about his nourishment, his health, his intellect, his growth, etc. One of your greatest worries that is shared with most parents is the child’s education. You like every other parent would want your child to get into the best kids play school in India because you know that this is the beginning block for a bright future for your child. Getting admission for a child in a play school seems like a simple enough process, but it can be baffling for most – if not baffling, then at least it would be tedious and wearisome task. Every task that leads to finally admitting your child to the play school is long and frustrating. Let’s take a look at them –
Choosing a play school – You need to decide on the location suitable for you, pick a school based on its reputation, etc.
Deciding on the right playschool – picking the one that suits the kind of teaching methods that you want for your child, picking one that has the necessary infrastructure like books, toys, etc., choosing a play school that provides good extracurricular activities and is hobby encouraging in case you as most parents would like hone your certain of your child’s hobbies, etc.
Enrolment process – trying to figure out what all you will need for the admission process of your child in the play school, follow the enrolment process, etc.

Let’s break down the steps you will need to follow in order to enrol your child in the best kids play school in India.
1. Ensure that you have planned well in advance – ideally your child is eligible for a play school when he or she is about a year and a half old. Most of the best kids play schools in India work on a first come first serve basis.
2. Ensure that all your documents are in place – you will need
·         your child’s birth certificate as age of proof
·         Passport size photographs of the child as well as the parents/ guardian
·         Your residence proof – adhar card/ ration card/ passport
·         Blood group of your child as well as the parents
·         Parents’ education qualifications
·         Medical certificate of the child that would include any allergies, illnesses, etc. This is necessary so that the school management can be prepared in case of an emergency.
3. Counselling process – Most play schools have a counselling process to understand your child’s aptitude. Some play schools even interview the parents/ guardian of the child to understand what sort of upbringing the child has had and how the formative years of the child in the school can work in a tangent with the upbringing of the child at his/her home.

The enrolment process for most of the best kids play schools in India is the same, but there might be a few schools that could possibly have something included or excluded from the above list. Ask questions and understand the institution and its process when you are enrolling your child.